Rhode Island Department of Transportation and RI Police Departments from across the state, join together in Burrillville, RI. to support Jim Weicherding’s unveiling of his BUCKLEUPALLOFUS Child Passenger Safety Mascot Giant Balloon and Car Seat Check Up Kids & Family Event. Burrillville, Police Officers with proper car seat certification, checked car seats and installed new car seats in family vehicles while passing out BUCKLEUPALLOFUS CPS Coloring Books & Stickers to the Kids. The BUCKLEUPALLOFUS Kids & Family Safety Event lasted for 3 hours and everyone had a great time, from the little kids that enjoyed the Giant, Life Sized, Bucky Balloon and custom created coloring handouts and stickers to bring home with them, to the parents and police officers who showed their support for Jim’s creative traffic safety outreach efforts for Child Passenger Safety. National Child Passenger Safety Week runs from Sunday, September, 18th, thru Saturday, September, 24th, 2016. The new Buckleupallofus Giant Sized Display Balloon is 10 feet tall and attracts a crowd wherever it goes on display. Jim will be appearing with his Child Passenger Safety Cartoon Character Mascot Giant Balloon at grade schools and community events starting next week with custom created coloring books, coloring posters and stickers featuring his Award-Winning Buckleupallofus CPS Cartoon Character along with area police and fire departments.
Jim has teamed up with Arizona based Ken Moody and New York based Chip Schilling, both from Big Ideas Inflatables Inc / Parade Giants LLC, to bring his Award-Winning child safety messages and cartoon characters to events throughout the USA and countries worldwide. Plans are in place to showcase his safety characters created into giant cartoon character balloons by appearing in parades and events nationwide next year . This will expose millions of kids and families who will consistently watch his giant balloon shaped child safety characters soar high above their heads live at parades and at home watching on their televisions. Watch for area parades and events schedules for dates, times and locations across New England, New York State and the USA in 2017. Local events for the rest of this year will be held in RI, Mass. and Ct. and are already being scheduled for the Giant Bucky CPS Balloon Kids & Family Safety Events and Car Seat Check Ups . They include Burrillville, Woonsocket, Glocester, North Smithfield, Smithfield, Cumberland, Lincoln, Central Falls, North Providence, Johnston, Jamestown, Narragansett, Newport and more communities across the region. Jim’s BUCKLEUPALLOFUS CPS Mascot and his other cartoon characters giant sized balloons and creative materials for kids will also be featured at the upcoming Safe Kids Worldwide Annual PREVCON Event being held July, 26th thru the 29th, 2017, in Baltimore, Maryland.
Any police and fire departments, businesses, auto dealerships, restaurants, schools, day cares, hospitals, clinics and community centers interested in Jim’s Buckleupallofus Kids & Families Safety Events can contact him via his email at jwpisces14@aol.com (Please put Bucky Safety Events in the Subject Box) or contact us at Big Ideas / Parade Giants – biggideas.com/contact-us/ .
Remember to always, “BUCKLE UP ALL OF US!”