BUCKLEUPALLOFUS Giant Display Balloon was a big success at this years AutumnFest and Columbus Day Parade held in the city of Woonsocket, Rhode Island on October, 10th, 2016. The weather was absolutely beautiful with sunny skies and mild temperatures that helped draw a very large crowd of adults, teens and children to this annual family event. More than 30,000 people attended the combination parade and festival that included many attractions, artisans, venders, live bands and even a carnival full of rides and thrills for all ages. The event coordinators put the BUCKLEUPALLOFUS Giant Display Balloon on the grassy area directly in front of the streams of foot traffic for the entire twelve hour day. The Cartoon Character creator, Jim Weicherding, was on hand to pass out hundreds of BUCKLEUPALLOFUS Child Passenger Safety Coloring Posters to all of the kids that walked past, or came running from all directions across the park, just to see the big, ten feet tall blue dinosaur, with a welcoming smile and a seatbelt for a tail. He was so busy, his sister, Julie, also helped out with making sure kids received their own Bucky Custom Coloring Cartoon Posters to bring home and color before displaying them on the family refrigerators and bedroom walls. Little kids hugged him and patted him while moms and dads had their offspring pose in front of the giant dinosaur for photos to post on their own social networks and text to family and friends. It was a very busy day for this very active cartoonist on a mission to try and prevent automotive injuries and potentially save young lives with his ongoing car shows, cruise nights, community events and appearances with thousands of his custom created coloring handouts and stickers being passed out to kids and families at each one of these seasonal non-stop venues across New England. Many of the adults could be overheard telling their children the big blue dinosaurs name and showing them the coloring cartoon posters depicting artwork of kids being buckled up in the back seat of family vehicles to be safer on our roadways. Police officers walked by the Bucky Balloon attraction and display table with smiles and thumbs up gestures as they watched the popular Rhode Island cartoonist and child safety advocate interact with kids and adults about their safety. Parents were very thankful for Jim’s creative efforts to try and protect their children from harm’s way when traveling in the family car and truck with handshakes and pats on the back to show their appreciation. The AutumnFest and Columbus Day Parade promoters were so happy with the success of the BUCKLEUPALLOFUS Giant Display Balloon and all of the great coloring cartoon posters being passed out for the kids, they invited Jim back again next year for the three day Columbus Holiday weekend event. The message was very clear for the thousands of kids and families in attendance on this Columbus Day Holiday in the city of Woonsocket, Rhode Island; “Buckle Up All Of Us!”
AutumnFest and Columbus Day Parade 2016