BUCKLEUPALLOFUS Child Passenger Safety Cruise Night Event, September, 17th, 2016 held in Pomfret, Connecticut. Bucky Up Balloon was a Big Hit with Kids & Families that were in attendance on a beautiful end of summer afternoon and evening. Bucky Up Balloon could be seen from the roadway and helped attract many more Kids & Families to stop by that normally would not attend. Jim handed out hundreds of Buckleupallofus Custom Coloring Books, Coloring Posters and Stickers to the Little Kids while the older Kids helped themselves to everything available on the tailgate of Jim’s Show Truck. The Buckleupallofus Child Passenger Safety Cruise Night was hosted and sponsored by the Tri-State Cruisers Classic Car & Truck Club from Putnam, Connecticut.
BUCKLEUPALLOFUS / Tri-State Cruisers Event