Buckleupallofus Giant Balloon Attraction was a BIG HIT! with everyone attending the recent Burrillville Family Fun Fair in Harrisville, Rhode Island. In tradition with the growing popularity of the Buckleupallofus Balloon Attraction for Kids and Families along with Jim’s “Safety Saturdays” and “Sunday Family FunDays” Events across New England, this venue was a great way to send the important messages about Buckle Up!, Traffic Safety, Home Fire Safety and Water & Boating Safety to every child, teen and adult that attended this Saturday event on a nice summer day. Jim and Bucky were set up right next to the Burrillville Police Department on his right so it complimented their Car Seat Check Ups for the Kids. It was a huge draw and the police officer was happy to be checking car seats during the event. It is very important that car seats are checked for child passenger safety at venues like this. Last year, they did not have one vehicle checked for proper car seat installations. This year, car seats were checked throughout the entire event. Everyone said the giant Bucky Balloon helped attract attention to the car seat check up area from vehicles passing by on the street behind the venue and kids seeing him from a distance wanted to see him up close. So, parents were driving in and saw the Free Car Seat Check Up sign and took advantage of the opportunity to have theirs checked while they were there. There were fire trucks from Burrillville Fire Departments and First Responder Vehicles from other surrounding communities parked on Jim’s left next to his pick up truck and down the length of the parking lot. They passed out his Fearless Dino Protector Squad Home Fire Safety Coloring Posters, JR FDPS FireFighter Sticker Patches and Sticker Sheets to all of the kids. Jim, his sister Julie, and Burrillville Police Officers passed out 100’s of the Buckleupallofus Coloring Posters for Child Passenger Safety along with full color Bucky Stickers to all of the kids. Jim received a lot of handshakes, “Thank You’s” and pats on the shoulder for attending the event and doing a great job trying to prevent injuries and help save lives with his very creative, and very popular, cartoon characters and handouts for child safety. A lot of people asked if they could donate to the cause, much like they do at other events Jim attends every week with his Buckleupallofus Balloon and Free Take Home Educational Handout Materials, but he asks them to Donate to Hasbro Children’s Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital and Shriners Hospitals, depending on what state he is appearing in for Classic Auto Shows, Cruise Nights or Community Events, instead of giving any donations directly to him. He tells those individuals often, “Those Children’s Hospitals need the donations more than I do. Please donate to them instead.” It is amazing how many adults, parents and grand parents show their appreciation for the hard work and community efforts Jim undertakes to try and protect kids and families across the New England area week, after week, event, after event. Jim will be appearing at events in New York, Virginia, Florida and Maryland over the coming months and requests stream into his email box all week long asking if he can appear with his Giant Child Passenger Safety Mascot Dinosaur with a SeatBelt Tail at Classic Auto Shows, Cruise Nights and Community Events across the USA. Buckleupallofus is in demand along with Jim’s other Kids & Family Safety Cartoon Characters across the country and Police Officers, Firefighters, First Responders, Child Safety Advocates, Pediatric Doctors & Nurses, Children’s Hospitals & Family Clinics along with Commercial & Business Property Owners are taking advantage of this growing popularity and increasing demand to make a positive impact in their own City, Town and Community in regards to Kids & Family Safety. Watch for Buckleupallofus Giant Balloon appearances coming to your community too. Plenty of Free Take Home Stuff for the Kids everywhere.
Burrillville Family Fun Fair