Denny’s Restaurants sponsor BUCKLEUPALLOFUS & Safety Friends DayCare Event in Warwick, RI. on November, 10th, 2016. The giant BUCKLEUPALLOFUS Balloon was a Big Hit! with all of the kids and adults at Family Tree DayCare Center located on Warwick Avenue in the city of Warwick, Rhode Island reminding Kids aged 3 thru 5 years about the importance of being properly restrained in Car Seats, Booster Seats and eventually using Seat Belts, when they are a little older and outgrow Car Seats and Booster Seats. Denny’s Restaurants sponsored this Buckleupallofus and Safety Friends Kids Safety DayCare Event by providing their new Denny’s KIDS EAT FREE NIGHTS Coloring Cartoon Safety Placemats created by Award-Winning Cartoonist, Artist and Writer, Jim Weicherding, from the town of Burrillville, Rhode Island. Each month, Denny’s hands out Jim’s Cartoon Characters featured on these popular Coloring Cartoon Safety Placemats with his Seasons of Safety Kids Coloring Safety Program first started seven years ago at Hasbro Children’s Hospital that are passed out to kids in their ER, Activity Room, Safety Events and Patient Rooms. The November Safety Message is about Anti-Bullying with his Itty Bitty SUPER DUPERS Cartoon Characters and their “Be a Buddy, Not a Bully” Kids Campaign. Kids receive a brand new Safety Coloring Cartoon Placemat every month in Denny’s Restaurants while waiting for their meals to arrive to their tables. Hundreds of kids every week, enjoy coloring in these placemats while learning about their safety. Rob’s Transmission, located in the city of Warwick, RI. sponsored the BUCKLEUPALLOFUS Balloon and the Bucky Safety Stickers passed out to every kid in the Family Tree DayCare Center with more headed home to siblings and family members to remind them about Buckle Up! Safety. Denny’s and Jim are planning more DayCare Center BUCKLEUPALLOFUS And Safety Friends Safety Events across the state and region this year and in 2017 to promote safety and invite kids to come to Denny’s Restaurants to enjoy their KIDS EAT FREE NIGHTS meals and breakfast on the weekends during the school season and every day when the school season ends. Kids were delighted by coloring in their “Be a Buddy, Not a Bully” Coloring Placemats while wearing their colorful BUCKLEUPALLOFUS Stickers. If you have a DayCare Center and are interested in Denny’s Restaurants & Jim’s BUCKLEUPALLOFUS and Safety Friends Safety Events for your kids and families contact Jim via his email address or ask any Denny’s Restaurant Manager at your local location about these great creative safety outreach efforts for kids. You can also visit to see Jim’s upcoming USA parade schedule featuring his giant 40′ tall helium balloon and other great kids features to download and print out for free for your own community. Police and Fire Department Community and Grade School Safety Events inquiries are always welcome.
Denny’s BUCKLEUPALLOFUS DayCare Safety Event