May is (National Youth Traffic Safety Month) across the USA. Here, in New England, that message is headed to Classic Auto Shows and Cruise Nights in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island all month long. The giant Buckleupallofus Balloon is slated to appear at numerous community events and auto shows, like shown here at a recent classic auto show held in Rhode Island, reminding kids about the importance of wearing Seatbelts and reminding parents about properly using Car Seats and Booster Seats for little kids not old enough to be buckled up in the back seat of the family or classic vehicle. Classic Auto Shows and Cruise Nights are the perfect venue for showcasing this popular kids friendly cartoon character balloon attraction for traffic safety and making sure that everyone that comes in contact with Bucky are reminding kids to buckle up for their safety. Everyone attending is driving and riding in a vehicle to go to the show, and then again, when they are leaving the show. 1,000’s of Buckleupallofus Coloring Posters and Stickers are passed out at these types of events throughout the Cruisin’ Season so these traffic safety messages are taken home and remain a daily visual reminder displayed on refrigerators and walls in the family homes and even grade schools where other kids, not attending a particular classic auto show and community event, can see and remember to be safer in vehicles every day. While the month of May be recognized as National Youth Traffic Safety Month every year, it is still very important that these traffic safety messages be conveyed year round, in order to change any negative patterns regarding driver and passenger safety into positive patterns that can possibly prevent any traffic related injuries and even save a life. If you plan on attending a Classic Auto Show this Cruisin’ Season make sure that you always wear a seatbelt and if you are bringing a young child with you to any of these venues that they are properly restrained in a car seat, booster seat or wearing a seatbelt to help keep them safer on our roadways. Have a Safe & Happy Cruisin’ Season from the publisher and staff of the Yankee & Blackstone Xpress Newspapers and remember to Buckleupallofus.
National Youth Traffic Safety Month