Newport Art Museum Creative Event on November, 12th, 2016 was a big success. Their Monthly Second Saturday Creative Event Guest Cartoonist, Artist, Writer & Author, Jim Weicherding, attracted the largest crowd of Kids and Parents to their venue like they never had before. Dozens of Kids and Parents filled the Creative Session Room and hallways to be a part of this popular creative event with their featured cartoonist and artist. Jim spoke to the kids about their safety using his popular cartoon characters featured in Coloring Books and on Coloring Posters along with his stickers being passed out to the crowd of little kids sitting on the floor. He first talked about BUCKLEUPALLOFUS and Child Passenger Safety using his coloring book pictures with safety messages and artwork to color in while the kids put their Bucky Stickers on their shirts and on their coloring books. Next, Jim presented his very popular Itty Bitty SUPER DUPERS Cartoon Characters featured in their Colorful Covered Coloromic Books by first asking, “Who Loves Super Heroes?” Every single hand went up over the kids heads with big smiles on their faces. “I Do!” Shouted the kids. Their faces lit up when they were handed their Itty Bitty SUPER DUPERS vs Scary Monsters Coloromic Books handed out by his sister Julie, while Jim talked about Bullying and being nice, not mean to other kids. “What are Scary Monsters kids?” Jim asks the room full of attentive kids. Jim lead them with, “They are BULLIES!” He spoke to kids about his Award-Winning “Be a Buddy, Not a Bully” Coloring Campaign to the delight of kids and parents alike. Next, Jim talked to kids about his Water and Boating Safety Cartoon Characters, Li’l Skipper & ClamCakes. They were given Water & Boating Safety Coloring Cartoon Pages and Jim’s popular RI Lights Lighthouse Coloring Pages from his RI Lights Art & Sketch Book that are now on sale in the Newport Art Museum Gift Shop. Jim autographed and dated a lot of finished Kids Coloring Pages, Posters and Books along with his RI Lights Art & Sketch Books for the adults. Many parents approached Jim shaking his hand and thanking him for his creative efforts to try and keep kids safer in their daily lives while entertaining them with great cartoon characters for the kids to enjoy while learning. Kids and parents attended Jim’s Creative Cartooning & Coloring Safety Session from all across New England and many said they would be back again when he did more of these events for their kids. The Newport Art Museum did just that. They immediately invited Jim back again for many more Creative Cartooning and Coloring Events like this one for kids with questions about Teaching Kids and Teens the Art of Cartooning & Illustrating along with Publishing and Product Artwork Creation & Development. “The Creative Work that you do Jim, will inspire so many Kids, Teens and Adults to be more Creative and Chase their own Dreams like you are doing right now.” Newport Art Museum, Scenic Tourist Attraction Newport, Rhode Island.
Newport Art Museum Creative Event