Safe Kids New Hampshire Partners with Buckleupallofus for a Child Passenger Safety Car Seat Check Up hosted by New England DragWay, Saturday, August, 5th, 2017. Safe Kids New Hampshire is Sponsored by CHAD, Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock located in Lebanon and Bedford, New Hampshire. Jim was approached by this agency’s Injury-Prevention Director at his exhibition booth in the Safe Kids Worldwide PREVCON Event located at the Waterfront Marriott Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland, July 26th thru the 29th, 2017. Impressed by Jim’s Child Safety Cartoon Characters and Coloring Campaign Materials, combined with his quality artwork and content specifically created for Kids, Safe Kids New Hampshire requested that Jim create a new Child Passenger Safety Coloring Sheet featuring Buckleupallofus for a CPS Event being held in their state the following weekend at a popular drag racing venue close to their children’s hospital. Jim went the creative next step and illustrated nostalgia drag cars with a drag racer up close image wearing a seat belt and Buckleupallofus telling kids that “Drag Racers Always Buckle Up!” for them to (Take Home), Color In and Proudly Display on Family Refrigerators across New England and New York State. Thousands of drag racing fans and enthusiasts attend these popular venues every week and these Kids & Families are now taking home coloring formats that can effectively help prevent traffic related injuries and potentially even save lives. Everyone attending these popular venues arrives in vehicles and returns home in these same vehicles. Jim’s Buckleupallofus & Automotive Events Coloring Sheets, Coloring Posters and Coloring Books are great ways to creatively convey traffic safety and buckle up safety visuals and messages to Kids & Families with the end results being displayed on family refrigerators and bedroom walls colored in by Kids. Jim will be providing Safe Kids New Hampshire and CHAD with more creative (Take Home) Refrigerator Ready Coloring Formats and Products reminding Kids & Families to always wear seat belts when driving and riding in vehicles. Jim’s Award-Winning Child Passenger Safety Cartoon Character, Buckleupallofus, combined with his unique and creative Kids Safety Coloring Artwork and Original Illustration Style, will definitely get the messages across to Kids & Families at Drag Racing and Race Events, not only in the New England and New York State area, but also Nationwide in the months ahead related to Traffic Safety and Buckle Up Safety. Visit and watch for Jim’s Printable Kids Safety Coloring Cartoons related to multiple safety issues facing Kids & Families every day across the USA.
Safe Kids New Hampshire Partners with Buckleupallofus