“Safety Saturday” Buckleupallofus Balloon & Fearless Dino Protector Squad Event @ Anchor Subaru was a great success, Saturday, May 20th, 2017, located in the state of Rhode Island. The community of North Smithfield, RI. was invaded by Dinosaurs and they were a Big Hit! with Kids & Families. The Giant, 10′ Tall, Buckleupallofus Balloon Attraction went on display for one of its many “Safety Saturday” Kids and Family Events at the entrance to the new Anchor Subaru Dealership on what turned out to be a perfect day weather wise and all around busy day for Creator & Cartoonist, Jim Weicherding and his assistant, Julie. She is also Jim’s sister. The North Smithfield Fire Department dispatched their Fire and Rescue Vehicles along with five of their Firefighters and EMT’s to show support for Jim’s Community Safety Events and helped out with his creative efforts to try and keep kids safer in the family vehicles, as well as safer in their homes, by passing out Buckleupallofus Child Passenger Safety Coloring Posters custom created specifically for Anchor Subaru by Jim. These Custom Created CPS Kids Coloring Posters are now available all yearlong in the auto dealership showroom and service department for all of the Kids who accompany their parents and family members searching for that perfect family vehicle. The Firefighters & EMT’s also passed out Fearless Dino Protector Squad Home Fire Safety Coloring Posters and FDPS Junior Firefighter Sticker Badges to the Kids reminding them about Fire Safety in the Home. These Cool, Kid Friendly Dinosaurs with a Seatbelt and Firefighting Apparatus for Tails, are loved by the Kids, Parents and the Firefighters and EMT’s who helped pass out their Kids Safety Materials. First Responders face many difficult life and death situations on the job all the time, but today was a good day for them. They reached out to their community at an event created to help Prevent Injuries and Save Lives. Attending the Buckleupallofus “Safety Saturday” Event @ Anchor Subaru representing the two North Smithfield Community Fire Departments were Lt. Bryan Lowe, Pvt. Nick Morin, Pvt. Chris Miclewski, Pvt. Steve Provost and Lt. Bill Laforge. Watch for more North Smithfield RI Community Kids & Family Safety Events as well as many more of these venues in Communities, Towns and Cities, not only in the state of Rhode Island, but also held in Communities, Towns and Cities across the entire region of New England and the State of New York over the coming months. Maybe, a Buckleupallofus Balloon Attraction & Fearless Dino Protector Squad Kids & Family “Safety Saturday” or “SunDay FunDay” Event will be happing sometime soon near you!
Safety Saturday