Buckleupallofus (Child Passenger Safety) Balloon Attraction was a Big Hit! with the Tri-State Cruisers Classic Car & Truck Club at one of their recent Saturday Night Cruise Events held in the sleepy little farming community of Pomfret, CT. It’s not so sleepy with a Giant 10′ Tall Big Blue Dinosaur wearing a Seatbelt Tail surrounded by a couple hundred Classic Cars and Trucks with twice as many people walking around the large grassy field enjoying a nice spring afternoon and early evening with the Oldies Music echoing into the crowd of finger snappers and toe tappers singing along with their favorite songs. Buckleupallofus Coloring Books and Stickers were picked up from the lowered tailgate of Jim’s Chevy Silverado Show Truck throughout the event by Kids and Adults with big smiles on their faces. Jim’s very popular Itty Bitty SUPER DUPERS Cartoon Characters vs. Scary Monsters Coloromic Book was also a popular item being picked up from the Chevy’s tailgate. Jim also writes his monthly OUTLAW RUN Beyond The Book Series and feature articles for Motörhead Magazine every month, so his growing list of fans and followers grab copies of those issues to read as well as taking his Kids Safety Materials back home to the kids that could not attend the Cruise Night Event.
Tri-State Cruisers Classic Car & Truck Club