Buckleupallofus Giant Balloon Showcase at The Warwick Mall over the Easter Weekend was a BIG! Success. Hundreds of little kids coming up to see the giant blue dinosaur with a seatbelt for tail wearing their paper bunny ears handed to them by the Easter Bunny exhibit close by the Bucky Balloon Exhibit all day long the Saturday before Easter Sunday. We passed out “Cross Your Heart With Your Seatbelt…Somebody Loves You!” Coloring Posters to those little kids for hours. It was especially important for us to display and showcase the Buckleupallofus Balloon Attraction on this particular weekend because it is a busy travel weekend with licensed teens and adults driving to visit family and friends for Easter Dinners and spend time together. I wanted to make sure everyone got to their destination and home again safely. Especially, making sure that all of the kids were going to be properly restrained in the family vehicle back seat safely seated in car seats, booster seats and wearing seat belts. The message was extremely clear and everyone walking past the giant Buckleupallofus Balloon was receiving that message. Kids, teens and even adults were stopping to have their photos taken with the giant blue dinosaur wearing a bright red seatbelt and a great big friendly smile. Most saying, “This photo is going right on Facebook & Twitter.” All day long you could hear kids yelling, “Look at the big dinosaur!” as they ran from all directions to hug, touch and pet the Buckleupallofus Balloon. Some of the younger kids would just stand and stare straight up at the big smiling face with their eyes and mouths wide open while holding his big Dino Feet. Their little faces lit up when they were handed a Buckleupallofus “Cross Your Heart” Coloring Poster to bring home and color. Parents telling us it was going right onto the family refrigerator when it was colored in by their kids. And of course, more photos for Facebook and Twitter.
The Warwick Mall Easter Weekend